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HomeHealthBest solution for Men's Mental Health Month from my religious view

Best solution for Men’s Mental Health Month from my religious view

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According to a recent survey from leading mental health agencies, one in four people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. By the end of 2019, it is expected that one in 12 people will suffer from depression, with a total of 450 million people – including young people – experiencing some form of which disease that can be fought. These figures are based on the examples mentioned, suggesting that the reality of mental health problems is much greater. Needless to say, the COVID-19 pandemic has literally made the situation worse. 

Incidentally, the fact that a significant number of people have started talking about their mental health is a step in the right direction. For hundreds of years, depression and other mental health problems have not been discussed in the truth, and in the Muslim community and our relatives, this is still a topic that has not been discussed well and can be offensive. This will not be so: the need for mental health is not an obstacle in Islam at all. In fact, we find many verses in the Quran and hadith (reports of the sayings, actions, and qualities of the Prophet) that talk about mental health problems, which include depression and anxiety and give mental health advice. base. that we have to do in our daily lives. Our deen is complete and mental health is no exception, alhamdulillah. Study to find out how the Quran and Sunnah can help mental health! 

Best solution for Men’s Mental Health  from My Religion

Mental health is the emotional, mental, and social well-being of a person. Mental health affects not only how we think, feel, and behave, but also how we deal with stress, our relationships with others, and our choices.

Islam is an Abrahamic religion that covers all aspects of life, from worship to shopping to food and more. Most of us live a busy life and forget many precious things that Allah said in the holy Quran, and that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has shown us through his Sunnah. 

Islam provides a spiritual sanctuary for Muslims who live a peaceful life by using their inner strength and having a strong relationship with the highest power, Allah, through optimism, makes their feelings clean and doesn’t wait for things outside to get better. 

Islam recognizes the importance of spirituality as an inner strength that can be used to achieve a calm spirit, a good conscience, and a right mind. Good health and leisure are two gifts of Allah. It is very important that we keep this in mind and try to make good use of it. Mental health issues cannot be ignored. A better mind can do more. If you or someone you know is struggling to maintain your mental health, I hope these mental health tips from the Quran and Sunnah will help you as a beginner and professional help anyone has. ability to search:

1. Understand purity and understand that the hard way comes quickly 

 The Prophet ﷺ understood and addressed the spiritual challenges that Muslims should learn from. The prophets experienced sorrow, grief, and anxiety during their lifetime. The Prophet ﷺ himself was deeply saddened after the death of his beloved wife Khadijah (رضي الله عنها) and his uncle, Abu Talib, was associated with the political and economic affairs of the Muslims. in Makkah, and the whole year is called “The Year. of sorrow” (Aam-ul-huzn). Prophet Yaqub (السلام عليه) suffered a long period of mourning as stated in the Quran: 

 “And he went away from them and said: ‘Oh, my sorrow for Yusuf (Josef)!” He lost his sight because of his oppressive grief. [Quran; 12:84]. 

 The Prophet ﷺ was suffering in his health as he was concerned about those who opposed Islam in Makkah so Allah revealed the verse: 

 “Perhaps you will kill yourself (O Muhammad ﷺ) because of grief, and their steps (for they are from you), because they do not believe in this story (Quran).” [Quran; 18:6] 

 The Quran and Sunnah give infinite wisdom to men of wisdom. Regardless of your religion or group, you can learn a lot. If you feel hopeless and anxious, remember that Allah promises ease after hardship. Allah said: 

 “Really, seriously. Of course, in a difficult way. [Quran; 94:5-6]

2. Take care of your physical health and eat well 

Another good piece of advice we will get from the Quran is to eat not only halal food but also tayyib. “So eat what Allah has given you that is right and good and be grateful for Allah’s blessings if it is Him you worship.” [Quran; 16:114] 
Islam emphasizes taking care of our physical health. Dietary changes can improve mood and mood. The truth is that mental health and physical health are closely related. Make time to exercise, establish a good sleep pattern, and eat healthily. Doing so will improve your health, which will reduce your fatigue or anxiety.
The food you eat affects how your brain works. Even inadequacies can make you feel sad, anxious or tired. These reviews will help. Eat foods rich in folic acid, such as vegetables and green leafy vegetables. It will make you less angry and depressed. Besides that, it also helps to improve your sleep.
Stock up on nuts and seeds as they increase mental alertness. Carbohydrates are known for their ability to increase serotonin in the brain. Therefore, you should eat better carbs in your situation if you have cold blues or just feel depressed for no reason. Make sure you eat high-protein, low-fat foods like fish as these foods keep your brain energized, while sugary foods should be avoided as they slow down your cognitive process. stubbornness.
Allah commanded us 
“Children of Adam, take your ornaments to every mosque, eat and drink, but do not be excessive. Of course, he does not like those who overdo it. [Quran; 7:31] 
Eat good Sunnah foods like lentils, dates, and honey, as they are known for their physical and mental health benefits. Striking a balance is important because overeating of any kind is harmful to our overall health, thereby affecting our ability to think. The Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ teaches us moderation and balance – 1/3 food, 1/3 water and 1/3 air (space left for breathing). A dehydrated body has created a dehydrated brain which leads to daily challenges related to mood, focus, and feelings of peace and contentment. Staying hydrated is key to being able to develop good emotional processing skills. Good mental health requires a healthy brain, and without water, a healthy brain is impossible.

3. Seek help through patience and prayer 

As Allah said, 

 “Those who believe and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah, surely, by the remembrance of Allah, their hearts are assured.” [Quran; 13:28] 

 It is clear that it is important to remember God through prayer and zikr. Establish daily prayer by identifying prayer times. You can also use the app to monitor each prayer time and set a notification to pray on time. Sorrow, pain, fear, sadness, worry, dissatisfaction, anger, indifference, anxiety, jealousy and worry do not stand before the Almighty. So make dua with this belief. And do your best.

 Prayers help keep Muslims on the daily clock, but in addition to the five required prayers, there is another good routine that can be set. Islam teaches us that every muscle and every part of our body has a memory, including the brain, so when we can establish a healthy system for physical, mental and spiritual health, we can increase our physical memory. in a good way. . When you’re depressed, it can be hard to find the energy to get out of bed, let alone make it through the day. But when we create a strict schedule for ourselves, it may seem difficult to get up and go, getting up will be easier when your body is doing what you do every day.

4. Be aware of your media/social media consumption

Mindfulness is a state of mind used as a healing technique to focus your awareness on the present while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. The goal of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is to teach people to help themselves by becoming aware of their current patterns of thinking and behavior and to provide them with the tools to change patterns of behavior – challenging negative thinking to create peace.

With practice, many things become easier and become an easy part of life. Especially in the age of social media where we can compare our lives to others day in and day out, it is easy to forget that each of us has our own journey and that we are all blessed in one way or another. a tool, but one that can bring out the best and worst in us. Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ caught hold of me and said: “Be a stranger or a passer-by in this world and count yourself among the inhabitants of the grave. Ibn ‘Umar said: “When you wake up When the morning comes, don’t worry about the evening. When the evening comes, don’t worry about the morning. Take away your health before you get sick and your life before you die, O servant of Allah! You don’t know what your description will be tomorrow. ” [Hadith; Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2333]

Seeing other people living their ideal lives online can sometimes lead to false expectations. Remember that everyone has moments of joy and sadness in life. No one has a perfect life, but most of life online is a collection of people’s happy moments. Try clearing your devices and ask yourself: Are all these accounts I follow on social media making a positive impact on my life? What are all these news apps and websites teaching me about our world? Am I using my time in a way that will be useful not only in this life but also in the next? How much time do I spend on my device compared to my family and friends?

5. Live in the present and focus on the afterlife

Many of us have endless regrets throughout our lives and let worries about the future hold us back. By focusing on being in the present moment, people can see improvements in their mental health. Never make assumptions. There is a lot of wisdom in the following hadith about not worrying about what is and isn’t happening to you. Remember Allah and you will find that He is before you. Acknowledge and acknowledge Allah in times of ease and prosperity, and He will remember you in times of hardship. And know that what passes you by does not come to you, and what has come to you does not pass you by. We must know that perseverance wins, adversity is mitigated, and ease is hard. [Hadith Nawawi 19]

6. Help yourself

Being kind, helpful and generous to others increases our own happiness. Helping others gives unparalleled satisfaction and peace of mind. Helpful people have been scientifically proven to have lower blood pressure and live longer. So practice acts of kindness; help those around you find spiritual peace and fulfillment. In fact, as stated in the hadiths, Muslims must perform acts of charity every day:

“Every day that the sun rises, charity must be done in every human joint.” – [Hadith Nawawi 26]

Read More: 50 Spiritual Growth Quotes From My Religion 



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